The New Facebook

The layout of the redesigned Facebook.

I know of no one that prefers their Facebook account changes every few months; really, it’s just a hassle.

When so many people around the world spend a great amount of time on the ever-so-popular social networking site, they get used to one interface and when it continues to change, no one is happy.

Definitely, Facebook knows of the fact that the changes it makes to it’s interface are unwelcome by most users, so why do they continue to do so?

One interesting reason could be that they don’t want users getting “bored.”

Of course the main goal of Facebook is to allow people to connect with others when they want and in many different ways (live messaging or chat, sharing photos, updating personal statuses, videos, notes, links, applications such as games and quizzes). But, we all know how people want the newest, hippest, and most entertaining thing. Since all of these social networking sites are free, people don’t care to stay with Facebook, and so, the heads of Facebook are fearful of losing users to it’s competition.

So, a quick review: people get bored, people leave. People leave, Facebook loses revenue generated from advertising. And everyone knows, no company likes to lose revenue.

I, personally don’t mind that Facebook is changing. After all, I’m just glad something of the sort exists, because without it I certainly would have great difficulty with friends who are, for example, half way around the world.

Let me know what you think; leave a comment!