Archive for February, 2010


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Redisigned and Redifined:

Redeem the Dream

NBA All-Star Game 2010.

The Breathtaking "Diamond Vision" screens in the new Dallas Cowboys Stadium

The Breathtaking "Diamond Vision" screens in the new Dallas Cowboys Stadium

The 2010 NBA All-Star Game was held in the Dallas Cowboy’s stadium. The amazingly large stadium is the home of the largest HD television in the world. The Mitsubishi Diamond Vision system is composed of 10,584,064 LEDs and measures an astounding 160-by-72 feet! The quality of the screen is equivalent to 1080p.

The standing world record of people to watch a basketball game was 78,129. But, at the Cowboy’s stadium, that record was blown out. The new record, and the people that attended the 2010 NBA All-Star game:

108, 713

In front of such a large crowd, the players must have felt some pressure, especially when there were 9 first-time All-Stars in the line up.

NBA All-Star Saturday.

Everyone knows that All-Star time (or Pro-Bowl time) in any sport is exciting, but the NBA All-Star Weekend is just special every time around.

From the H.O.R.S.E. competition just like this one last year:

To the 3-point shooting contest:

If you want to watch the rest of it, here are the links for part 2 and part 3

This year

Shannon Brown of the Los Angeles Lakers.
He is by-far the most backed contestant in the contest, and he’s my favorite, as well.

Here are his Top 10 Dunks.

Nate Robinson of the New York Knicks.
He is the defending champ from last year’s dunk contest in Phoenix.
You may know him as Krypto-Nate.

Here are his Top 10 Dunks.

Gerald Wallace of the Charlotte Bobcats.
He is a former champion and says he is back to show people what a real dunker is.
Here are his Top 10 Dunks.

Demar Derozan of the Toronto Raptors.
He entered the Dunk contest after defeating Eric Gordon in the first ever dunk-in contest as a pre-lim
to the real thing tonight. He’s the biggest underdog in this contest, but has serious hops.

The Sprite Slam Dunk Contest is tonight, Feburary 13 incorporated with the rest of All-Star Saturday Night.

Watch it, and vote for your favorite dunker!

Who do you think will pull out the show-stopping highlights? Leave me a comment!

NBA All-Star Weekend 2010.

NBA All-Star Starters.

The Starters for the NBA All-Star Game 2010.



7:00 p.m. ET – Celebrity All-Star Game.

9:00 p.m. ET – Youth Jam & Rookie Challenge.


7:00 p.m. ET – H.O.R.S.E.

8:30 p.m. ET – Shooting Stars (3-person team shooting contest).

9:00 p.m. ET – Skills Challenge.

9:30 p.m. ET – 3-point Shooting Contest.

10:00 p.m. ET – Slam Dunk Contest.


8:00 p.m. ET – 2010 NBA All-Star Game.

Who do you guys think will win???

Let me know; leave a comment!!!

The New Facebook.

The New Facebook

The layout of the redesigned Facebook.

I know of no one that prefers their Facebook account changes every few months; really, it’s just a hassle.

When so many people around the world spend a great amount of time on the ever-so-popular social networking site, they get used to one interface and when it continues to change, no one is happy.

Definitely, Facebook knows of the fact that the changes it makes to it’s interface are unwelcome by most users, so why do they continue to do so?

One interesting reason could be that they don’t want users getting “bored.”

Of course the main goal of Facebook is to allow people to connect with others when they want and in many different ways (live messaging or chat, sharing photos, updating personal statuses, videos, notes, links, applications such as games and quizzes). But, we all know how people want the newest, hippest, and most entertaining thing. Since all of these social networking sites are free, people don’t care to stay with Facebook, and so, the heads of Facebook are fearful of losing users to it’s competition.

So, a quick review: people get bored, people leave. People leave, Facebook loses revenue generated from advertising. And everyone knows, no company likes to lose revenue.

I, personally don’t mind that Facebook is changing. After all, I’m just glad something of the sort exists, because without it I certainly would have great difficulty with friends who are, for example, half way around the world.

Let me know what you think; leave a comment!

The Apple iPad.

Apple's new iPad

The sleek and thin Apple tablet.

Apple’s ever so hyped tablet was released on January 27, 2010.

A quick overview of the features:

A large 9.7 inch Capacitive Multi-Touch screen

This nice, large screen gives great response to touch just like Apple’s previous super-hit products such as the iPod Touch and iPhone.

A screen this big provides the user with an amazing experience while browsing the web.

“It just feels right to hold the internet in your hands as you surf it. And with a screen this large, you can just see more of the web as you surf it.”

Scott Forstall
Senior Vice President
iPhone Software

As many users experienced with the iPhones and iPod Touch’s, normal webpages are difficult to navigate and don’t look nice on that relatively tiny screen. On the iPad, almost every website out there looks fantastic and is extremely easy to navigate and read.

Watching video is also a much better experience on the iPad.

If you own an iPhone or iPod Touch, you know that a mere 3.5 inch screen is not the best experience for watching video.

But, with such a large screen in the palm of you hands with the iPad, video watching is amazing.


With the iPad’s screen almost tripling the size of the iPhone or iPod Touch’s, one would think most apps on the App Store wouldn’t work.

Amazingly, they do.

Users can use all of the apps available on the App Store on their iPad.

You can run the application in normal size (3.5 inches), or enlarge the pixels to fit the iPad screen. Of course the resulting image will be pixelated, but it is an option.

App Store, iTunes Store, and now the iBookstore

Apple’s brand new iBookstore is meant as direct competitions with the Amazon Kindle.

Users can purchase full eBooks and view them on the high-resolution, sharp and LED-lit screen. Flipping through pages is amazingly easy and comfortable entertaining. A smooth animation flips the page with the flick of a finger.

My Thoughts

There’s no doubt that Apple has come out with a product that currently is the top of it’s class. But, personally, the iPad doesn’t live up to the hype.

“The last time there was this much excitement about a tablet, it had some commandments written on it.”

The Wall Street Journal

The description for it these days is “an iPhone on Steroids.” This pretty much sums it up for me.

I don’t think it’s enough to just enlarge the Touch Screen and call a product revolutionary.

For me, it isn’t a sure buy. Many other more promising Tablet computers are making their way into the market; one I think will reject the iPad completely.

Click here for the iPad’s official page.


This is my brand new blog!

Here’s some quick information about me:

  • I live in Coquitlam, Canada
  • I love Web Design, and Graphic Design
  • I’m a Tech Fanatic and critic (a major part of my blog will be about Technology)
  • I am a Basketball player
  • I enjoy the occasional game of Counter Strike: Source
  • I love blogging!

This blog is meant for you to visit and let your imagination run wild.

I enjoy letting my thoughts roam around, and I will share with you what I think about things happening in the world, new technology, and interesting topics.

Hopefully, I can make you laugh and make you think.

After all, it’s all about the reader.

Visit often and let loose!